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Mark & Rebecca, Founders


Mark & Rebecca Carlson have been married for 25 years. They are blessed with three adult children and two son in laws. As a military family, they have lived and traveled around the world, growing in the knowledge of who the Lord is to them and sharing of His great love with others. 

In 2018, Mark was preparing for military retirement and they both felt the call to leave the U.S. for missions, but also to start a non-profit. As time passed, Mark & Rebecca became involved with a new non-profit that was geared towards serving in Uganda, which gave them an opportunity to "GO." Living as missionaries in Uganda for nearly three months, and being houseguests of a full time missionary was very insightful and contributed to what the Lord had already began stirring in their hearts almost a year prior. Once they returned to the U.S., they witnessed many clear confirmations from the Lord and through friends, which left no room to question God’s direction for their future.

This was the turning point of another surrender to God's will and living out their faith. God has been so clear about His love for all of His children, and the importance of being the hands and feet to those serving in culturally challenging lands.

They are looking forward to serving others and bringing refreshment to the "called" serving locally and globally.


A personal message to you from the founders:

Dearest Family,

We invite you to journey with us through On the Seventh and ask you to pray for the Lord to impress on your heart if this is a ministry He desires you to partner in. It takes a team, a family in the body of Christ to work together in order to be most effective, and we would love our team to include YOU!

Serving in a foreign land is a sacrifice, even when you love the people and the culture. Missionaries do this in obedience and with love for the lost, so it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice, but it IS hard work. They miss family and friends and all the little things that remind them of home...the creature comforts. And they often times miss family reunions, weddings and funerals which can cause them to feel left out or alone.

Vacations are much needed but difficult because of finances, but also because of guilt and shame associated with taking a break and using donor support for a personal trip. 

Let us not be deceived into believing that missionaries are only "there" to lead others; it is so crucial that they be supported as well.

“When member care is done well, you see missionaries being celebrated, encouraged and empowered to serve …  Member care done well or poorly, impacts the Kingdom for eternity,” Stephanie Maher, Master's in Christian Formation & Soul Care


What Missionary Care is here for is to tend to the needs of those who are caring for other people. With a healthy culture, we see more people coming to know Christ.

On the Seventh desires to reduce the burden by offering scholarships to individuals and families serving abroad in either their country of service or a neighboring country.  This will be customized to meet their needs, so we long to build rapport and trust with missionaries. We seek refreshment for all, especially those sharing the Good News! Will you partner with us either through prayer or financial support?

Just imagine what we can achieve for the kingdom together!

With the love of Christ,

Mark & Rebecca Carlson

Meet the Founders: About Us


©2020 by On the Seventh

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